Collection: Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The company's contact information is:

Company name: Bait Al-Saadeh H.P. 080160427



1.1. For ease of reading, the words are worded in the masculine language, but refer to men and women equally.

1.2. The site enables the online purchase of products marketed by Mumz Dream (hereinafter: "the products") to customers who have registered on the site by creating an account or as guests. The purchase on the site will be possible subject to the conditions detailed below in these regulations (hereinafter - "terms of use"). Wherever in the statutes where "the company" is written, it also refers to the "website" and vice versa, as well as to whom on their behalf.

1.3. The company reserves the right to change these regulations from time to time, without prior notice. 1.4. These regulations constitute the basis for the use of the website and it alone regulates the legal relations between the company and the users of the website. The user of the website (hereinafter: "the user") is required to read these regulations carefully before browsing the website and/or purchasing a product through the website. Your use of the website constitutes consent to the terms of this regulation and the other terms that appear and/or will appear on the website at the time of your use. To the extent that you do not agree with any of the terms of the regulations and/or the additional conditions on the website, you are asked to refrain from making any use of the website, including registering on the website and/or purchasing products through the website.

Continuing to browse and review the information published on the website and/or purchasing any product on the website constitutes the user's consent to the provisions of this regulation.

1.5. The company and/or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible and will not bear any direct, indirect, consequential or special damage caused to the user of the website and/or to a third party, as a result of use or purchase through the website, other than according to these regulations, including loss of income and/or prevention profit they will make for any reason.

1.6. The company reserves the right to change the regulations from time to time at its sole discretion, and this without the need to give notice and/or prior notification, subject to any law. Any change in the terms of the regulations will enter into force immediately upon its publication on the website within the framework of the regulations. Only what is stated in these regulations will bind the site and the company.

1.7. The contents of the site and its applications, all or part of them, may appear and be displayed on the Internet and/or in any other communication media. The terms of use detailed in these regulations are relevant and apply to any channel and/or media in which the contents of the website and/or its applications appear and/or will appear, all or in part, with the required changes.

1.8. In any case of a contradiction between the provisions of these regulations and information obtained from another source, the provisions of these regulations will prevail.

1.9. The company makes efforts to ensure that the information displayed on the website is complete and accurate, however, inaccuracies and/or errors may appear on the website in good faith and the company will not bear any responsibility regarding this information.

1.10. The site may include a link to the sites or properties of third parties, including through advertising, images or information. It is possible that the information on the website will include content from third parties that are not controlled and/or related to the company. For the avoidance of doubt, the company will not be responsible in any way for third party services or features as mentioned above. The company may, at its sole discretion, remove any link from the site and/or add additional links.

1.11. The interpretation and enforcement of these regulations and/or any legal grounds arising from the hearing based on it, including the validity and interpretation of the provisions of the regulations, will be made in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, and will be clarified if necessary in the court in the Central District only. In the event of a conflict between the cogent legal provisions applicable to the provisions of this regulation, the provisions of the applicable law shall prevail.

Threshold conditions for making a purchase on the website

2.1. The terms of use of the website below define, among other things, the manner of using the website and regulate the manner of ordering the products.

2.2. The user/customer of the website is anyone who uses the functions of the website, both directly and indirectly, often makes a purchase, visits, surfs and/or any other use, whether through a computer, mobile or any other way (hereinafter: "the user")

2.3. This website (in these regulations "the website") provides an online service operated by the company on the Internet, and allows users to purchase the products offered on the website. Making the purchase through the website will be possible subject to the fulfillment of the cumulative conditions listed below. The company reserves the right to cancel the transaction if one of the above threshold conditions is not met:

The use of the site is suitable for adults, aged 18 and over. If the user is a minor (under the age of 18), any activity carried out by him on the website will be considered as if the consent of the minor and/or his superiors was given.

The user has a valid Israeli credit card, issued by one of the recognized credit card companies, and the credit company has approved the transaction.

The user has an active e-mail account and a valid active mobile number.

The addressee is a private end customer purchasing for home, private and family use. Wholesale and wholesale sales will not be allowed.

The address to which the products must be delivered is in Israel, and is on the distribution map of the Postal Authority.

The requested products are available in the site's inventory.

2.4. Notwithstanding the above, the company has the right not to allow a person and any group of people to use the website, whether such use has been approved in the past or not, at its sole discretion, without the need to provide reasoning and/or advance notice. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, it will be explained that the failure to use the site will usually be for reasons such as an invalid payment method, providing incorrect details, damage to the company, the site and/or any supplier and/or damage to another user.

2.5. The user of the website declares that he accepts everything stated in these regulations, on its various sections and agrees to act according to them.

2.6. It will be clarified that a user will register himself to the site only once, by creating one account. The company reserves the right to remove duplicate accounts.

2.7. Each user declares, agrees and undertakes to comply with all the following conditions:

Not to transmit, collect or make use of the contents and/or details and/or any other information found on the website, whether the aforementioned information belongs to the company or to a third party.

Do not upload to the site illegal content or images showing violence, nudity (including partial), discrimination, content that offends a third party, pornographic or sexually suggestive content, content that includes defamation, bullying, harassment, abuse, threats, impersonation or intimidation of people or entities , private or confidential information. The company will be entitled to immediately terminate the use of a user who violates the above and/or prevent any use of the site in the future.

Not to make any use of the website for any purpose that is illegal, offensive or destructive that will interfere, disrupt, change, destroy, damage, limit, sabotage or in any other way affect the proper operation of the website in any way whatsoever, including and without limitation, viruses, worms, horses trojans, spyware, malware or any other destructive or disruptive means or technology.

The process of making the purchase

3.1. The purchase process will begin by clicking on the "quick purchase" or "add to cart" button, which will lead to a form for filling in the user's personal details, including credit card details, or alternatively choosing the option of providing payment details over the phone to a sales representative at a later date (the payment for Credit, Israeli only, it will not be possible to pay by other means of payment such as: check, cash, credit, note), and confirmation of reading and agreeing to what is stated in these regulations, at the end of which a notification will appear about the completion of the order. Upon completion of the sales procedure, a document containing the transaction details as required by law (hereinafter: "Transaction Details Document") and confirmation of the purchase will be sent to the e-mail of the orderer. It will be clarified and emphasized that the actual execution of the order by Beit El Saada will only be done after the approval of the credit company regarding the execution of the charge is received, in accordance with the procedures agreed between it and the relevant credit company, and subject to the availability of the product in stock.

3.2. In order to ensure that the purchase is carried out efficiently and without errors, it is necessary to make sure that all the required details are provided in the form for filling out the personal details accurately. If incorrect details are provided during the purchase, it is not guaranteed that the products and/or services will reach their destination or be provided to the user. It is clarified that as part of the order procedure and its delivery to the user, the user's availability by telephone and/or to receive text messages is required and that in the event of blocking a telephone line to receive content and/or a "kosher phone" and/or other prevention of receiving text messages from Al-Saada House, it will not be possible to complete the order process and its delivery And the user confirms that this is known and understood by him and he will not have any claims and/or demands against Mumz Dream in the event of not receiving information via phone/message for these reasons. It is clarified that if the details provided are incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, then Mumz Dream will not be able to guarantee the execution of the order and/or the delivery of the products to the user on the scheduled date.

3.3. The user declares and confirms that he knows that providing false information and/or information that is not his own may constitute a criminal offense and that in the event of providing false information, there may be civil and criminal legal proceedings, including lawsuits for damages caused to Mumz Dream due to this.

3.4. At the end of the operation described in this section, you will also send the user a message by email confirming the completion of the purchase. It will be clarified that the non-receipt of the notification for any reason does not detract from the validity of the completion of the transaction where a notification of completion was received as mentioned above.

3.5. The quantity of products offered for sale is not fixed and can change from product to product, and without the obligation of the company and/or supplier to provide reasons. In the event that the quantity of products is limited, the purchase will be made by the users on a first-come, first-served basis, until the stock runs out.

3.6. As soon as the transaction is carried out on the website using a credit card (and/or a telephone purchase and providing a credit card number), the user hereby declares that the credit card through which the transaction is carried out is owned by him or by a corporation on whose behalf he is carrying out the transaction, that the card is valid and that it is authorized according to any law and / or an agreement to perform a transaction for the relevant transaction amount.

3.7. The company reserves the right to send a reminder to the customer about the shopping basket for which the order has not yet been completed, by sending a message to the number and/or address entered by the customer. In addition, from the moment the order is placed on the website and onwards, Mumz Dream will be entitled to send the user update messages via email and/or text messages, regarding the status of the order.

3.8. Sending messages by the website in any way, including email and/or SMS as part of website operation and/or as part of providing service to website users, such as: sending a verification message, as defined above, reminders to complete an order, etc. does not constitute an "advertising message". The user hereby approves the sending of such messages by the site.

3.9. The sale on the site is a sale while stocks last. In the event that after ordering a product on the website by the user, it turns out that the product is sold out, due to circumstances that were unknown at the time of ordering, Mumz Dream will inform the user of this and offer him an alternative product or the possibility of canceling the product order and entitle the customer to the cost of the canceled product as calculated in the order. If the customer chooses to cancel the entire transaction, he will not be charged for the transaction and the order will be canceled. For the avoidance of doubt, the company will not be obligated to sell the product, and the customer will not have any claim and/or claim in this regard for any type of direct and/or indirect damage caused to him and/or to a third party, and this is subject to the site management returning to the customer any Amount you paid if you did pay the company and/or cancel the charge if it was done.

3.10. Without deviating from any of the provisions of these regulations, it is clarified that during the periods when various promotions will be held on the site, Mumz Dream may order various changes to the site and/or to the range of services offered to the site's customers.

The products on the site and their prices

4.1. Prices on the site include value added tax and are denominated in NIS (new shekels), unless specifically stated otherwise. The prices shown on the website do not include shipping fees, unless otherwise specifically stated.

4.2. The company may update the prices of the products or services on the website and/or the shipping rates from time to time and without the need for prior notice and the updates will be published on the website. The valid price in relation to the purchase made is the price that appeared on the website at the time of completing the purchase process and upon receipt of confirmation of the completion of the purchase via email by the user.

4.3. Prices on the website are updated from time to time. Therefore, discrepancies may arise between the price when collecting the product in the shopping cart and when the order procedure is completed. If the prices were updated before the order process was completed, the customer will be charged according to the updated prices. For the avoidance of doubt, the company will not bear any responsibility arising from and/or related to the aforementioned price differences.

4.4. The company does not guarantee that the prices of the products/services advertised on the website are the cheapest prices.

4.5. The sale through the website is subject to the existing stock in the warehouses of the website and the company. The company does not undertake to have an inventory of all the models and/or products whose images appear on the website at any time.

4.6. The images shown on the website are for illustration purposes only and there may be differences between the appearance and specifications of the products as seen in the image and the actual products. To the extent that any mistake has been made, such as in the description of the item or its price, this will not bind the company, and in any case the company will not bear any responsibility that exceeds the value of the item purchased, as well as any damage that is not direct and/or consequential. Without detracting from the above, it is agreed and clarified that the company will try to do its best to present accurate images and information as accurate as possible.

4.7. The company is entitled to publish and/or offer the website users promotions and/or discounts and any other benefit under the conditions established by it and according to its sole discretion. The company will be entitled to stop any such benefit immediately and without prior notice.

4.8. As a general rule, no double discounts/benefits will be given on items sold on the website (unless otherwise stated). In this rule, it will not be possible to redeem coupons (redemption code) that provide a discount and/or any benefit for sale items. The conditions for redeeming the coupons and/or promotions change as will be detailed with the publication of the coupons and/or promotion. It is clarified that, in the case of returning an item purchased with a discount/benefit or using coupons (redemption code), the amount returned to the customer will be the amount actually paid after the discount/benefit, coupons (redemption code) will not be refunded.

4.9. It is hereby clarified that some of the products sold on the website are not sold in the company's physical stores and vice versa.

4.10. In the case of special promotions and the publication of "regulations and/or conditions of the promotion" the instructions of the "regulations and/or conditions of the promotion" will apply to the promotion. will be published on the site.

Transaction cancellation and returns

This section briefly details the rules for returns and cancellations, which are subject to all the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law. In any case of contradiction and/or inconsistency between what is stated in this section below and the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, the provision of the Consumer Protection Law shall prevail.

5.1. The user may cancel a transaction for the purchase of products that he made through the site (respectively "user" and "transaction") solely in accordance with what is stated in the Consumer Protection Law, 1981 (hereinafter: "Consumer Protection Law") and the regulations under his authority or alternatively, replace the product against an equivalent replacement product or monetary credit, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the product by the user. The return of the product will be done at one of the Mumz Dream stores of the user's choice, along with an invoice, and provided that the item has not been used, its packaging has not been opened and the item's labels have not been removed. The amount of the credit voucher will be the same as the actual payment amount stated on the invoice.

5.2. Products purchased under "special sale" conditions (e.g. 1+1, second product at 50%) will be returned according to the same purchase conditions (return of all products), as long as only some of the products are returned, a refund and/or credit (as applicable) will be given In accordance with the relative discount rate actually given for the product, at the time of purchase.

5.3. For any question related to the cancellation of the transaction, inquiries, exchanges, returns, etc., please contact the customer service department of Mumz Dream through the Contact page

How to cancel a transaction

6.1. Cancellation of a transaction will be done by sending a cancellation notice in one of the following ways ("cancellation notice"):

On the website - on the home page in a dedicated link to cancel a transaction

Contacting the site's customer service directly by sending a message on the "Contact Us" page

Contacting the customer service directly at the call center whose details appear on the website on the "Contact Us" page

The name and ID number of the user and the order number must be stated in the cancellation notice (and/or additional identification information that will be required to identify the transaction and the identity of the person canceling the transaction).

6.2. Transaction cancellation deadlines and conditions - general

6.2.1. Any user may cancel a transaction, for any reason, at the following times and under the following conditions:

Cancellation of the purchase of products will be counted from the date of execution of the transaction until fourteen days from the date of receipt of the products, or from the date of receipt of the document containing the details listed in Section 14C(b) of the Consumer Protection Law (whichever is later).

6.2.2. Refunds in case of cancellation of a credit transaction will be made by crediting the credit card on which the transaction was made within 14 days of receiving the request to cancel the transaction and the returned item, minus shipping fees (if any and collected) and in accordance with the credit company's schedules. For the avoidance of doubt, a refund will be made according to the actual payment. In the case of canceling a part of the transaction (returning one item among several purchased), the company will return to the user, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notification of cancellation, the same part of the transaction price paid by him for the returned item.

6.2.3. Cancellation of the order before the product or products are sent to the customer (before they leave the site's warehouses) will not be charged a cancellation fee. Cancellation of the order after the product or products have been sent (after they leave the site's warehouses) will be charged a cancellation fee of 5% of the price of the goods or NIS 100, whichever is the lower. A refund will be given in accordance with the provisions of the law.

6.2.4. A consumer does not have the right to cancel a transaction in order to detract from the company's right to claim damages in the case of returning products whose value has decreased as a result of a significant deterioration in their condition while they were in the consumer's possession, including in the case of returning a product that has been used, whose packaging has been opened or damaged, that has been damaged, damaged, that has broken down and/ or suffered any injury. The customers are also requested, in order to avoid causing damage to the product, to refrain from using the product and to return it without any defect and/or spoilage of any kind.

6.2.5. The company is not responsible for the use made by the customer and/or the orderer that is not in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and/or the company, including the washing instructions and/or any other instruction concerning the use of the products.

6.2.6. The user will check the product immediately upon receipt and inform the company if the product received is damaged or substantially different from what appears on the website.

6.3. Transactions that cannot be canceled

Instructions regarding transaction cancellation will not apply to the following transactions:

Transactions for the purchase of losing products. Refunds will not be given for items for which no monetary consideration has been paid, such as gifts. In any case, the company will not bear any responsibility in which the cost exceeds the value of the purchased product, as well as any damage that is not direct and/or consequential damage.

Transactions for the purchase of products following which the products were manufactured especially for the user;

Transactions for the purchase of products that can be recorded, reproduced or duplicated, whose original packaging has been opened by the user.

6.4. Transaction cancellation deadlines and conditions - a user who is a person with a disability, a senior citizen or a new immigrant

In this section:

"Person with a disability" - as defined in the Law on Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities, 1998;

"Senior citizen" - someone who has turned 65 years old;

6.5. A user who is a person with a disability, a senior citizen or a new immigrant, may cancel a transaction within four months from the date of its execution, from the date of receipt of the products subject to the transaction or from the date of receipt of the document containing the details listed in Section 14C(b) of the Consumer Protection Law, as the case may be, whichever is later, provided that entering into the transaction included a conversation between the website's representatives and the user, including a conversation through electronic communication.

6.6. If a user who is a person with a disability, a senior citizen or a new immigrant has requested to cancel a transaction, the website representatives may require him to show them a certificate proving that he is a person with a disability, a senior citizen or a new immigrant. In accordance with the aforementioned requirement, the user will present to the website representatives one of the documents listed in Section 14C1(d) of the Consumer Protection Law, as the case may be, or provide them with a copy of it, including through electronic communication.

Transaction cancellation results

7.1. Cancellation due to defect or discrepancy

The user must check the item(s) immediately upon receipt of the order. If any item has been received by the user when it is damaged, or when the specification of the actual item differs from the specification presented on the website, the user will be entitled to cancel the transaction within 14 days from the date of receiving the item.

7.1.2. Upon cancellation under these circumstances, no cancellation fees will be charged, the user's money will be refunded within 14 days of receiving the cancellation notice, and the product will be returned to the company at its expense.

7.1.3. The product will be returned as much as possible in its original packaging.

7.1.4. The company will have the right to sue the user due to a decrease in the value of the product.

7.1.5. A refund in case of cancellation of a credit transaction will be made by crediting the credit card on which the transaction was made within 14 days of receiving the request to cancel the transaction and the returned item. In the case of canceling a part of the transaction (returning one item among several purchased), the company will return to the user, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notification of cancellation, the same part of the transaction price paid by him for the returned item.

7.1.6. In any case, the company will be entitled, at its discretion and in accordance with the law, to charge a cancellation fee at a rate not exceeding 5% of the product price or 100 new shekels, whichever is lower (except in the case of cancellation of the transaction due to a defect or discrepancy in the actual item specification in relation to it presented on the website).

7.1.7. The return of the product to replace it with another product or to receive a monetary credit will be done in accordance with the general exchange policy used by the company, as updated from time to time, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product by the user.

7.1.8. For any question related to the cancellation of the deal, inquiries, exchanges, returns, etc., please contact the customer service department of Mumz Dream

7.2. Cancellation that is not due to defect or non-conformity

7.2.1. If a user cancels a transaction according to sections 6 or 6.4 above, other than for the reasons listed in section 7.1. above (defect or discrepancy), the user's money will be refunded within 14 days of receiving the cancellation notice, with the exception of a cancellation fee of NIS 5% or NIS 100, whichever is lower. The product will be returned at the user's expense.

7.2.2 In this section, "cancellation fees" - including expenses or obligations due to shipping, packaging or any other expenses or obligations, which the company claims were incurred by it or which it undertook due to entering into the transaction, or due to its cancellation.

7.2.3. If the user received the products he purchased, he must return them to the company instead of a transaction, and the same is true for any products the user received following the execution of the transaction.

7.2.4. without deviating from the provisions of sections 7.1. and 7.2 above, if a user cancels an ongoing transaction (as defined in the Consumer Protection Law) as stated in sections 6.2 and 6.6 above, which was applied to the provision of the service according to which, the user shall pay the relative consideration for the service provided to him.

7.2.5 If a representative of the company installed products in the user's home for the purpose of providing service according to the contract, the company will be entitled to charge the user a payment due to the installation expenses, in an amount not to exceed NIS 100.

Cancellation of the transaction by the company

The company will be entitled to cancel a transaction in whole or in part under the following circumstances:

8.1. In the event that a pen error occurred on the website, either in the price of the product displayed on the website or in the description of the product as displayed on the website; and/or if any mistake was made, including a typographical error and/or a communication fault and/or any other technical fault that disrupted the price of the product and/or the description of the item on the website, and/or the delivery of the product;

8.2. In the event of force majeure, acts of war, hostility or terrorism, intentional or unintentional malfunctions on the store's website, strikes and shutdowns, unusual natural events, malfunctions in clearing credit cards and any other reason that is not the result of an act or omission of the website, which prevents the continuation of the sale, its execution or participation On sale properly.

8.3. If it became clear to her that the transaction and/or the sale was accompanied by illegal activity and/or that is not in accordance with the provisions of these regulations of the user and/or someone on his behalf.

8.4. If the ordered product was delivered to the address and/or branch of the customer's choice but was not collected for 14 business days and/or no contact was made with the customer for its delivery due to the customer's unavailability and/or incorrect/partial/out-of-date contact information.

8.5. If it turns out that the customer entered incorrect details when registering on the website and/or placing the order.

8.6. If an act or omission has been committed which may harm the site and/or any third parties, including customers, employees and suppliers of the company and/or the site.

8.7. If the use of the website was and/or enabled and/or encouraged and/or helped to commit an act deemed illegal according to the laws of the State of Israel.

8.8. When the customer owes a financial debt to the website and/or the company and the deadline for payment has already passed.

8.9. In case there is concern that the purchase is made as part of a wholesale purchase and/or for resale by the buyer or someone on his behalf.

8.10. If the product is out of stock after or before a sale has taken place (but not yet shipped to the customer). If the order is canceled as mentioned, the website will not be responsible and will not bear any damage caused to the customer and/or a third party, including but not limited to damage due to the purchase of the product from a third party at a higher price.

8.11. When there is concern, on the part of the company, that the consideration for the purchase will not be received and/or that the credit card in the customer's possession has been blocked and/or restricted for use in some way.

8.12. Without deviating from the above, the company will be entitled not to confirm an order for additional reasons at its sole discretion. A notice of the cancellation of the sale will be given to the customer by phone and/or in writing to the address that the customer specified when making the transaction or when registering on the website. In this case, the transaction will be canceled and the company will refrain from charging the user's credit card or refund any amount paid for the product, as much as it was paid. Except for the restitution of the transaction amount as stated, the user will not have any claim, claim and/or demand, of any kind and type, against Mumz Dream for the cancellation of the transaction as stated in this section.

8.13. Except for the restitution of the aforementioned transaction amount, the user will not have any claim, claim and/or demand, of any kind, against the company for the cancellation of the transaction as stated in this section.

Protection of privacy and databases

9.1. The company and/or anyone on its behalf take acceptable precautions in order to maintain, as much as possible, the confidentiality of the information. The user's personal details (name, e-mail, etc.) will be stored in the company's database, one of whose purposes is direct mail. To be removed from the database, contact the company's customer service in writing at info@Mumz

9.2. It is clarified that in order to protect the confidentiality of the information, Mumz Dream operates using an e-commerce protocol that is used to encrypt data from the moment it is typed by the customer until it is transferred to the website system. And it should be emphasized that the credit card details of the users who perform operations on the site are not saved in the site's systems since the site uses an external company for the purpose of clearing credit cards. It is clarified that since it is a question of carrying out operations in an online environment, the company cannot guarantee complete immunity against intrusion into its computers or the disclosure of the stored information by perpetrators of illegal operations and therefore, if a third party manages to penetrate the information kept by the company and/or misuse it, no The user will have any claim, claim or demand against the company. Also, in cases arising from force majeure, the company will not be responsible for any damage of any kind, indirect or direct, caused to the user or anyone on his behalf, if any information provided is lost or reaches a hostile party and/or is used without authorization.

9.3. For the attention of the user: during the first purchase on the website, the user will be asked to choose in the designated place whether he is interested in joining the website's distribution list for the purposes of receiving content information via e-mail messages and/or text messages (sms messages). If the user does not wish to receive content information and/or notices about promotions and discounts from the site, he may choose not to join the site's mailing list for the said purpose, and may also remove his details from the site's mailing list at any time in the designated place or by any other means, including as part of any mail message electronic and/or text messages (sms messages) that he will receive from the company.

9.4. The use of information is done according to law and is intended for the needs of managing and operating the website and providing services to customers, including: improving the user experience, improving and enriching the services and content offered on the website, changing and canceling existing services and content, adapting content and services to customers and their tastes, for marketing and/or advertising and/or promotion purposes Sales and/or sales, for the purpose of contacting the registrant in any way, including through direct mailing of marketing and advertising material and/or in any other means of communication (including SMS and email), including through "cookies" technology for the purposes of encouraging loyalty, analysis and statistical research, conducting surveys and any other online use in connection with a marketing issue and/or internal needs, such as the needs to investigate complaints and/or reviews, etc. It is clarified that the information may be transferred to third parties, except for the credit card number, insofar as this is required for the purpose of providing the services and/or operating the website and/or the customer club and/or for the proper management of the website (such as by transferring information to company employees and/or website suppliers ), and everything in accordance with the provisions of the regulations and any law.

9.5. The company may provide such details also for other purposes as long as it is required to do so according to a judicial order and/or according to law and/or according to a request from an authorized legal entity and/or for the purpose of assisting government enforcement authorities and/or for the purpose of protecting the security and use of the website by customers and/or or if it merges with another body and/or merges its activities with the activities of another body and as soon as the information is transferred to that body that will assume the provisions of the company's privacy policy and/or if a claim is raised and/or suspicion arises with the company that the person who registered for the website has committed an act and/or or an omission that harms and/or may harm the company and/or someone on its behalf and/or third parties and/or a suspicion that the user has made use of it that has the purpose of enabling, assisting and/or encouraging the commission of an illegal act and/or suspected of being an illegal act and / or use that constitutes a violation of the terms of the regulations and / or any agreement with the company.

9.6. Registering the details on the website and/or using the website constitutes the registrant's consent that information about her details and any data generated based on the analysis of her details will be held in one or more databases of the company and/or someone on its behalf, and that this information will be used lawfully. A user may demand from the company in writing that the information relating to him be deleted from the database. The user submits his information of his own free will. He knows that he has no legal obligation to provide the information about him. The user is solely responsible for the correctness and updating of the details.

9.10. The company considers a surfer on the Instagram network who has uploaded a photo in which a product from the website can be seen along with the labeling as the person who invited the company and/or someone on its behalf to share the photo on the website and/or on social media where the website has a page. A surfer who is not interested in displaying the photos uploaded by him in the above manner is invited to contact customer service via any means of communication he chooses, and the photos will be removed immediately.

Copyright and intellectual property

10.1. All intellectual property rights and copyrights in connection with the website, including the trademarks, patents, copyrights, models, methods and trade secrets, are the property and are the exclusive property of Mumz Dream only.

10.2. The website and the content that appears on it, including the website design, photographs, graphics, texts, designs, illustrations, charts, drawings, photos, maps, video clips, etc. (hereinafter - the "information") are protected by the copyright laws of the State of Israel, art. International and copyright laws of other countries, the information is the property of the company or of third parties who have allowed the company to publish the copyrighted information on the website.

10.3. These rights apply, among other things, to the graphic design of the Mumz Dream website, its databases (including product lists, product descriptions, etc.), the website's computer code and any other detail related to its operation.

10.4. You may not make any commercial use of the data published on the Mumz Dream website, in the database on the website, in the lists and images of the products appearing therein or in other details published by and/or on behalf of the company without obtaining the company's prior written consent.

10.5. Do not use any data published on the Mumz Dream website for the purpose of displaying it on a website or any other service contrary to the provisions of the agreement and/or without obtaining the company's prior written consent and subject to the terms of that consent (if and to the extent given). In this rule, it is forbidden to collect data from the website using software and/or to distribute such data to the public in a commercial manner or in a commercial framework. Do not copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, market and translate any information from the site (including trademarks, images, texts and computer code) without receiving the express written permission of the company in advance. The site must not be presented in a frame, visible or hidden, and there must be no link to the pages within it ("deep link"), but only to the home page. The site may not be presented in a different design or graphic interface than the one designed by the company, except subject to obtaining its prior written consent. The company name, the brand name, the trademarks of Mumz Dream (whether registered or not), etc. - are all the property of Mumz Dream only. They may not be used without obtaining her prior written consent. Icons Any information and/or display that appears on the site, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, trademarks, logos, as well as the editing and presentation of these, are the exclusive property of the company and/or someone on its behalf. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish or use in any other way the contents appearing on the website unless Mumz Dream has given its consent to this, in writing and in advance.

10.6. The user is prohibited from making changes, copying, publishing, distributing, transmitting, displaying, performing, duplicating, issuing a license, creating derivative works or selling any part of the information contained in the website without the express written consent of the company.

10.7. The user acknowledges the existing copyrights in the information and undertakes not to make any commercial use of the information or any use contrary to what is stated in copyright laws and international conventions, or to cause any change or manipulation of the information or any part of it.

10.8. Do not activate or allow to activate any computer application or any other means, including programs of the type Crawlers, Robots, etc., for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving content from the website. In this rule, you may not create and do not use the aforementioned means to create a compilation, collection or database that will contain content from the website. You may not display content from the website within a frame, visible or hidden, you may not display content from the website in any way - including through any software, device, accessory or communication protocol - that changes its design on the website or removes any content from it, in particular advertisements and commercial content.

Shipping Policy / Product Delivery

Delivery of products to the home of the customer/other recipient who delivered

11.1. Delivery to the customer's home or another address provided by the user, at his choice, will be made subject to payment of delivery fees as detailed on the website (hereinafter: "Delivery Fees"). The shipping fee is 29 NIS, the company is entitled to update the shipping rates from time to time and without the need for prior notice for the delivery method. For collection from a branch, no fee will be charged from the customer. Shipping fees will be added to the price of the items indicated on the website. Shipping fees will be charged for delivery to one destination, whether one or more items are ordered. The payment for the shipment will be made by credit card or by telephone debit and will be added to the total payment for the ordered products, and will not be able to be canceled for any reason, unless the transaction was canceled in accordance with the provisions of the law.

11.2. Delivery services will be carried out through an independent delivery company (hereinafter: the "delivery company"), at the company's choice and discretion, and the identity of the delivery company may change from time to time. It is clarified that the company will not be responsible for the act and/or omission of the shipping company.

11.3. The company will work to deliver the ordered products according to the conditions and shipping fees stated on the website when placing the order. At the time of updating these regulations, the delivery time of the products from the moment they are ordered on the website is within 7 business days at the most. It is clarified that the date of delivery of the products indicated on the website refers to business days (that is, in the counting of days, Friday-Saturday, holiday eves and public holidays will not be counted) and also, that the date for the beginning of the counting of business days will be the date of receiving the approval of the credit company for the transaction. For the user's attention, an order placed on the website

Not on a business day or yes on a business day, after 14:00, will be considered, for the purpose of the delivery date, as an order placed on the next business day.

11.4. It will not be possible to deliver items on Fridays/Saturdays and holidays

11.5. The company will work to the best of its ability to deliver the items to any address throughout the country, but is not obligated to deliver the items to areas with restricted access from a security point of view. It should be emphasized that the method of delivery of the products is subject to the conditions applicable in the distribution companies regarding the distribution areas (such as restrictions on distribution and/or collection beyond the green line, delivery to a distribution point within moshavim and kibbutzim, etc.), the hours of distribution, and the method of distribution (such as collection from the post office). In order to deliver the ordered products to the user at his home or at the address he delivered, the representative of the shipping company will contact the user by phone to coordinate the delivery (through a phone call and/or text messages). It is clarified that the delivery of the products on time depends, among other things, on the customer's availability to coordinate their receipt with the aforementioned representative. It is clarified that a delay in the delivery of a product, which results from the customer's unavailability, will not, in any case, be considered a delay in the delivery of the order by Mumz Dream and will not entitle the customer to any compensation. It is clarified that there may be settlements where the distribution and delivery companies do not reach the customer's homes and the customer will only be able to receive the product at the post office located in the settlement closest to the shipping address provided by the customer and/or at another distribution point as appropriate. A product will be considered delivered to the customer if delivered to a post office as mentioned, or to a distribution point as mentioned, even if the customer did not come to pick up the product and also if the place of delivery of the product as mentioned is not the customer's shipping address. In the case of delivery not to the customer's shipping address, the customer will not have any claim against the company in the cases described above, as far as the method of delivery is concerned, including in any case of delays in the delivery of the products.

11.6.  Changing the user's address for delivery of the shipment after the shipment has already left to the address entered on the website when placing the order, will be performed by the company, in coordination with the user (through the customer service department), subject to a payment of NIS 20.

11.7. It is clarified that the company's commitment to supply the products is subject to the completion of the payment by the user and its approval by the credit company, as well as subject to the availability of the products in stock.

11.8. The company is not responsible for delays by the shipping company. The company and/or anyone on its behalf and/or the suppliers and/or anyone on their behalf will not bear any responsibility for delays in the delivery of products caused by force majeure and/or as a result of events beyond their control, such as: strikes, shutdowns, malfunctions in the computer system or telephone systems and/or systems Communication, malfunctions in the electronic mail service, hostilities and/or force majeure (war, earthquake, weather, etc.), events that will affect the completion of the purchase process and/or meeting the delivery dates. In these cases, the company may announce the cancellation of the purchase, in whole or in part, and cancel the user's charge. The company will not be responsible for any delay in delivery and/or non-delivery caused by incorrect and/or inaccurate/complete contact information provided by the user.

In the event of a delay or delay in delivery that is expected and/or known to the company in advance, the company will make every effort to inform the customer in advance of the expected delay or delay, in accordance with the contact details provided by the customer at the time of the order.

11.9. It will be clarified that these conditions will also apply in the event that the user may return the product in the place where he received it, in which case the user must go to the settlement and/or post office from where the product can be sent by mail and/or through a distribution company and the user will not have any claim against the company in this case .

11.10. It is clarified that during special sales/promotion periods, including Black Friday and the like, the delivery time may be extended up to 30 business days.

11.11. If you are not at home, you can authorize the courier to leave the shipment near the door or in the electrical cabinet, in which case the company will not be responsible for any damage and/or loss or other indirect or consequential damage of any kind that may be caused to the shipment as a result.

11.12. It is clarified that Mumz Dream's commitment to supply the products is subject to the completion of the payment by the user and its approval by the credit company, as well as subject to the availability of the products in stock.

11.13. The delivery dates listed above do not apply to items that are out of stock. In cases where a product is out of stock and this is discovered only after making the purchase, the company will contact the customer and verify with him whether he wishes to cancel the transaction in full and/or only the missing item, if the customer chooses to cancel the entire transaction, he will not be charged for the transaction and the order will be canceled. For the avoidance of doubt, the company will not be obligated to sell the product, and the customer will not have any claim and/or claim in this regard for any type of direct and/or indirect damage caused to him and/or to a third party, and this is subject to the site management returning to the customer any Amount you paid if you did pay the company and/or cancel the charge if it was done.

Delivery of an order to a branch of the Mumz Dream chain according to the user's choice

A delivery ordered for collection by the customer from the Mumz Dream branch will be carried out without payment of delivery fees.

Delivery of the order to the selected store will be made within 7 business days from the date of the order on the website. When receiving the order at the store, the representative of the relevant store will contact the user to update him about the arrival of the order at the store (by phone call or text message).

The user will be able to come pick up the products during the store's operating hours as advertised on the website. His order will be kept for him in the store for 14 business days unless otherwise approved by the company.

It is clarified that from the moment the user is notified of the order's arrival at the requested store, the user will demand to pick up the order from the branch within 14 days at the most. If the order is not collected by the orderer within this period of time, the store will no longer be able to hold the order - under the aforementioned circumstances the order will be canceled and the user will be credited for his order. It is the orderer's responsibility to inform the store that he/she is unable to collect the package. In this situation, the customer will be credited by the branch for the product(s), a credit/refund in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Regulations, Transaction Cancellation 2010 and the website regulations.

Limiting the responsibility of Mumz Dream

12.1. The site as a whole, including all the information that appears on it and the software that underlies it, is offered to the public as it is (As Is). Although, Mumz Dream intended that the information be true and accurate, however, the information may not be complete and, alternatively, there may have been technical or other errors in the information. Despite the above, Mumz Dream checks the information presented on the website, including the specifications and prices of the products, in circumstances where Mumz Dream discovers that an error has been made in the information presented on the website, Mumz Dream will correct the mistake immediately.

12.2. It is clarified that Mumz Dream is not responsible for inaccuracies, or for mistakes made in relation to the information, in cases where it has taken all reasonable measures to prevent these mistakes. Mumz Dream hereby clarifies that the information contained on the website is for general and informative purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation and/or opinion and/or offer to purchase any product or provide any service, and therefore the user is aware and agrees that any reliance on statements, opinions, advice or any Other information presented on the site is at the user's discretion and sole responsibility. It is possible that some of the information originates from third parties, and therefore it is understood that Mumz Dream has no responsibility for this kind of information, and Mumz Dream does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. At the same time, the website operators will take all measures against the suppliers to resolve consumer complaints.

12.3. Mumz Dream does not guarantee that the service on the website will not be interrupted, will be provided in order or without interruptions, will be held safely and without errors, and will be immune from unauthorized access to Mumz Dream's computers, damages, breakdowns, malfunctions, including malfunctions in the hardware, software or communication lines to the site, at Mumz Dream or who supplies it.

12.4. The use of the website is done at the user's risk. Mumz Dream does not bear any responsibility or liability for any disruption, error or omission in the website's content. Mumz Dream will not be responsible for any damage, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental due to access to the website, and its use or due to any prevention of access or use of the website, whether on a contractual basis or on a tortious basis.

12.5. Mumz Dream is not responsible for any damage, including due to "viruses" or software applications of any kind, to the user's computer equipment or any other property of the user, caused by accessing, surfing or using the website, including, due to downloading information.

12.6. Mumz Dream is not responsible for the content of advertisements or commercial offers published on the site by third parties.

12.7. Mumz Dream will not be responsible for any damage that may be caused as a result of inappropriate or incorrect use of its products, and will not be responsible in the event of damage to a product that was installed by the user not in accordance with the instructions.

12.8. The photos on the website are for illustration purposes only. It will be emphasized that there may be differences in colors or other changes between the appearance of the product in the picture and the product in reality.

12.9. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that if, in good faith, an unusual and obvious mistake has been made in the description of the product and/or its price on the website, this will not bind Mumz Dream. In the aforementioned case, Mumz Dream will allow the user to cancel the transaction and will refund him the full amount he paid.

12.10. The appearance of links ("links") on the site, which refer to any other sites, do not constitute a guarantee for the contents on these sites, including in terms of their reliability, completeness, or in any other respect. With regard to links to other websites, which are not operated by Mumz Dream, Mumz Dream will not be responsible for the correctness of the information and/or for any direct or indirect damage, financial or otherwise, to the extent that said damage is caused to the user as a result of using or relying on the information appearing on these websites or due to their privacy policy.

Information and recommendations regarding deliveries:

It is recommended to choose delivery to the address where you are during these hours, for example the place of work.

In order to provide a broad response, we have created several options for you to receive your order:

Courier service to the home, within 7 business days - NIS 25 (West Bank and East Jerusalem)-60 (Israel Southern, Central or Northern Districts). For orders over NIS 500 - free shipping (Furniture items not included).

The payment does not include transportation of furniture products and their assembly. In this case the payment will be paid directly to the carriers in cash.

Delivery terms for furniture:

Furniture Brands including and not limited to Palmera® and Bebecco ®  are under the following delivery details:

Jerusalem & West Bank

Free, if: if total number of units (furniture units) exceeds: 4 units. Else, 400 NIS

Northern or Southern Districts

500 NIS if: If total number of units (furniture units) exceeds: 4 units. Else, the delivery fees are 800 NIS

Notice: Delivery fees are not included in the total fees of items purchased and are collected on delivery by the courier. Accepted payment method is CASH only.

In the case of a remote destination, transportation above the third floor without an elevator, limited access or the need for a crane, an additional price will be charged, and of course this must be arranged in advance.

Furniture delivery time is at least 21 business days from the moment of the order.

When the order is confirmed, the order summary will be sent to you by email